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SLA-Based Annual Maintenance Contract Services

You take care of your business while we take care of your IT

IT infrastructure plays a crucial role in a business’ ability to grow and succeed. When properly designed, deployed, and maintained, IT infrastructure can become a value-adding asset to your business by eliminating downtime, double handling, and over-provisioning, as well as boosting productivity.

Renfotechit is capable of meeting stringent SLAs as per customer’s business needs and in a cost-effective manner. Our company provides the finest AMC Services in UAE and undertakes the Annual Maintenance Contract of big business houses, Government departments, and large-scale industries to prevent and solve various types of IT-related issues.

Some of the features included in our managed services suite/AMC are:

Get in touch

Give us a call or drop by anytime, we endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days. We will be happy to answer your questions.
