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Cyber Security Solutions

Shield your business with Renfotechit's Cyber Security Services - cutting-edge protection against today's threats.

With increased digitalization enabling high level of online data availability, there is also considerable increase in the number of cyberattacks. The need to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the data available on the internet is one of the greatest challenges faced by the businesses of all sizes. Cyberattacks not only affects the business at the operational level but also the trust of the customers and brand value is at stake. Righton Tech offers a comprehensive package of cyber security services to protect your business from unauthorized attacks, data stealing, malware and other forms of cyberattacks. Reach out to us to lead your business safe from cyberattacks.

What we offer

Next-Generation Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware Protection: With cyber threats being highly sophisticated, it is essential that we not only identify the threats but also anticipate them in advance. With the usage of advanced technology like AI, machine learning, cloud-based architecture etc., NGAV provides advanced level of endpoint security. Combined with EDR, NGAV can accurately identify and remediate the threats in a way faster than before, thus protecting the business from attacks even before its occurrence. We, at Renfotech with our expertise can help you protect your business from these attacks. Connect with us and be rest assured.

Vulnerability Scanning: With the system security set, it is necessary to identify the loopholes and provide integrated remedy to the identified vulnerability to protect from data breaches. To have a secured network, it is essential to identify the vulnerabilities before these are identified and attacked by the cyber criminals. Take the first step of evaluating the present system with Renfotech to determine the best course of security measures to be taken. Connect with us to seal off all your system vulnerabilities.

Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR): EDR is an integrated endpoint security solution which incorporates continuous monitoring as well as collection of endpoint data with rules-based automated response. These forms of security systems detect and analyze the threat at end points thereby quickly responding to the threats. With the surge in the number of endpoints attached to networks as well as sophistication in the cyberattacks there is a significant rise in the adoption of EDR. With Renfotech, be assured of your endpoint security.

Mobile Device Management (MDM): MDM has become a crucial part of security systems as the dependency on the usage of mobile phones, employee laptops have increased multi fold in recent years. With the increase in the dependency comes the greater threats of cyberattack. Mobile Device Management is a comprehensive tool set used for monitoring, securing and managing mobile devices in the enterprise network. And all these are to be controlled and brought within the corporate security network without compromising the employee productivity. Connect with us and let us manage your diverse resources diligently.

Conditional Access Control: With loads of data available online, its essential to validate the users and devices accessing the network to protect the data from cyberattacks. This can be achieved through Conditional Access Control wherein the users have to carry out certain approved actions to gain access to the data. Thus, the admin has the control over the business network and the is able to regulate even the remote connections. This not only prevents the data access by unauthorized users but also does not allow the authorized users to share confidential data.

Managed Detection & Response (MDR): As threats due to cyberattacks increases multi fold, the need for expertise in cyber security is of high priority to protect the business. Managed Detection and Response (MDR) team is equipped with the required tools to provide the necessary security required to detect the threat as well as to protect the network from being attacked by the same cyberattack again. With expertise in terms of incident response team and the needed technology. Renfotech is the right choice to depend on, as we are thorough with our process of monitoring, identifying, dealing and preventing similar attacks in future.

Managed Endpoint Encryption: One of the crucial roles in endpoint security strategy is the protection of sensitive data from cyber threats. Through Endpoint Encryption which uses encryption algorithms to protect the files stored in an endpoint, the hackers not only fail to get access to the sensitive data but also are not able to install malware in the devices. This when handled by managed services the business can be least worried about the data loss. Renfotech offers Endpoint encryption required by the business ensuring highest level of data protection.

Backup & Disaster Recovery (BDR) System Administration: In the event of blackout, data corruption, accidental deletion of the data or in the worst-case scenario of cyberattacks, it is very important that the business is able to recover all the data and resources. In order to bounce back after the disaster and to sustain the productivity level, frequent backup of the primary data is required. BDR System Administration provided by Renfotech helps the business by offering faster recovery of the data saving you from the tiring administrative tasks.

Email Protection: Email, with its easy usage and accessibility, is one of the most relied means of communication. With huge usage comes the huge risks of cyber threats. Being an easy entry point, Emails are prone to phishing attacks, malware and scams which are major security threats. It is thus essential to prioritize email security and to protect the business. Renfotech brings in a complete solution to safe guard employee communication of sensitive data through emails by providing necessary cyberattack protection.

Renfotech thus offers a comprehensive package of cyber security services by employing best-in-class tools and technology. Reach out to us to anticipate, detect and manage cyber threats to your network.  Connect with us to let us help keep your business safe and secure from all diverse cyber attacks.

Get in touch

Give us a call or drop by anytime, we endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days. We will be happy to answer your questions.
